Employment position wages and benefits, DCF 101.18
Good cause determination, DCF 101.20
Job access loan, DCF 101.17
Learnfare, DCF 101.25
Lifetime limit, DCF 101.095
Overpayments, recovery of, DCF 101.23
Payment procedures, DCF 101.19
Two-parent families, DCF 101.27
W-2 agency responsibilities, DCF 101.05
Work programs, DCF 101.16
Worker training, DCF 103
woodland tax law WOODLAND TAX LAW
Generally, Ch. NR 46
worker_s compensation WORKER'S COMPENSATION
Appeal, procedure, Chs. HA 4, LIRC 1
Dispute resolution process:
Health service fee, DWD 80.72
Health service necessity of treatment, DWD 80.73
Hearings, Ch. HA 4
Insurance policies, termination, Ch. Ins 21
Loss of hearing, determination, DWD 80.25
Loss of vision, determination, DWD 80.26
Electronic reporting, DWD 80.02 (3)
Self-insurance, DWD 80.60
Treatment guidelines, Ch. DWD 81
Vocational rehabilitation benefits, DWD 80.49
workforce development WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
Apprenticeship, Chs. DWD 295, 296
Blind persons, business enterprises operated by, Ch. DWD 60
Bone marrow and organ donor leave, Ch. DWD 226
Well compensation program, Ch. NR 123
Business closing and mass layoff, Ch. DWD 279
Child labor, see Child Labor
Day of rest, Ch. DWD 275
Employment agencies, licensure and regulation of operation, Ch. DWD 277
Employment and training:
Wisconsin fast forward grants, Ch. DWD 801
Equal opportunities:
Fair employment, Ch. DWD 218
Fair housing, Ch. DWD 220
Family and medical leave, Ch. DWD 225
Public accommodations, Ch. DWD 221
Hours and wages, Chs. DWD 270 to 279
Labor standards, Chs. DWD 270 to 279
Minimum wages, Ch. DWD 272
Maximum hours of work, Ch. DWD 274
Migrant labor, Ch. DWD 301
New hires, state directory, Ch. DWD 142
Public works construction contracts, Chs. DWD 290 to 294
Street trades, Ch. DWD 271
Technical education equipment grants, Ch. DWD 802
Trade adjustment assistance, waiver of recovery, Ch. DWD 135
Traveling sales crews, Ch. DWD 273
Unemployment insurance, Chs. DWD 100 to 150
Vocational rehabilitation:
Appeal procedures, Ch. DWD 75
Confidential information, Ch. DWD 68
Selection of services, order of, Ch. DWD 65
Wages and hours, Ch. DWD 272
Child labor, Ch. DWD 270
Employment agents, private, required to be licensed, Ch. DWD 277
Hours, maximum, Ch. DWD 274
Levy exemption, Ch. DWD 136
One day of rest in seven, Ch. DWD 275
Rates, municipal and state, public works, Chs. DWD 290 to 294
Street trades, Ch. DWD 271
Whistleblower protection, Ch. DWD 224
Worker's compensation, Chs. DWD 80, 81
x_ray equipment X-RAY EQUIPMENT
See also Electric
Dental intraoral, DHS 157.78
Radiation protection, generally, Ch. DHS 157
Veterinary, DHS 157.79